Sold: One Brand-New Porsche 959 Sport with Just 207 Miles on the Odo

In 1986, it was the fastest street-legal car in the world with a top speed of 199 mph (320 km/h). Initially designed to compete in the Group B World Rally Championship, the road version was of the most technologically advanced car anyone had ever seen at the time. It remained in production for just three years, and only 337 units rolled out of Porsche's factory.

It is of course the 450HP 959, Porsche's 911-based, high-tech all-wheel drive answer to the raw Ferrari F40 in the late 1980s, and it changed the way supercars were built from that point on.

Now, if you were lucky one to own one of automotive history’s most vaunted icons, what would you do?

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